Did you know that gratitude just feeds upon itself? The more you are thankful the more you see what there is to be thankful for.
{1, 157-1,175}
*That God's grace shows through even at the beginning of Genesis.
*A playful puppy
*Squeals of fun as the boys play
*Great art class for Noah and his friend
*The scent of freshly ground coffee
*Titan's expressive eyebrows
*Seeing God through a whole new light as I read the Bible in 90 Days
*A great book that I am reading to the boys: Rats, Bulls & Flying Machines: A History of the Renaissance & Reformation (Core Chronicles Ser. 1)
*Books stacked neatly
*Titan's curls
*Titan's fluffy beard
*Teen girls reading the Bible in my Sunday School class
*The boys' kindles
*A new Spanish student
*Finishing Choosing to SEE: A Journey of Struggle and Hope. What an awesome testimony from the Chapman family!
*Finding out that my words of encouragement made all the difference this week for a friend.
*Seeing God work in my life in specific areas.

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