About Me

Welcome to The Architect and the Artist! I pray that you are blessed by your visit.

A little bit about my blog:

The title refers to the God I serve who is the best Architect and Artist!  It also refers to my two sons: one loves to build and the other loves to draw.

You will find posts on my faith, our homeschooling adventure, and my experiences as a homemaker.

A little bit about me:

I am the child of a former Lt. Colonel in the Army, but more importantly I am the child of the King.

I am imperfect (hence the need for a Heavenly, Kingly Father).

I am married to the best man in the world! 

I was a high school Spanish teacher before coming home to two boys.

I homeschool.

I teach Spanish part time in my home.

I am from South Dakota (a state that I absolutely love), but live in the Last Frontier (Alaska).

I know a thing or two about cold and snow!

I am desperately for God's healing touch as I recover from abuse and relational conflict.

I am in love with God's Word.

I struggle with anxiety and depression.

I am learning to rest in His grace as I parent, teach, and maintain a home .

Join me on my journey...