I have recently been on a kick of trying to read more classics. Towards the end of 2010 I read Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn, Frankenstein, and The Scarlet Letter. I went to three different high schools and so some of my education was kind of choppy. There were great pieces of literature that I missed. In going back and reading some I hope to fill in my gaps and be able to share the ones that I love with my boys.
Here is what I hope to read this year in the way of classics.
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Count of Monte Cristo
A Tale of Two Cities
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier
I also am going to read...
Choosing to SEE: A Journey of Struggle and Hope
I also am going to read...
Choosing to SEE: A Journey of Struggle and Hope
I am also going to be doing Booking It this year over at Life As Mom.
Booking It is set up with two different options. There are eleven books throughout the year that you can read or you can choose your own reading plan. I am going to be floating between both options...reading the classics that I want and some of the books assigned in this challenge. Here are the books I have choosen to read from the assigned list.
Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day: The Discovery That Revolutionizes Home Baking - Needs to be read by April 10th and have tested three recipes. This one will be an easy one for me as I have used this cookbook and LOVE it!
Finding Your Purpose as a Mom: How to Build Your Home on Holy Ground -Needs to be read by May 10th.
The Help - Needs to be read by August 10th. I checked this out from the library last year and never got around to it. I have heard such great reviews about this book. The movie comes out in August, too!
Organized Simplicity: The Clutter-Free Approach to Intentional Living - Needs to be read by September 10th.
Not Your Mother's Casseroles - Same idea here. Read the book and try three recipes by October 10th.

I read "A Connecticut Yankee" last year for Booking It - interesting. I read "The Count" back in college (not assigned, just for fun) and loved it. Great book! I also read "Rebecca" as assigned reading in college - not my favorite. However, it looks like you've picked a bunch of good classics and new books and I hope you enjoy them all! Happy Reading!
I love the classics... I was an English major in college. After you've read them for a while, it's hard to go back to any other books - they just don't compare. A Tale of Two Cities is one of my favorites - I hope you enjoy it! Happy reading!
I love classics, too! I've read Rebecca several times just for fun (and I didn't realize it was a classic!). I've also read The Scarlet Letter lately, and I really enjoyed To Kill a Mockingbird...what a great book. I should really reread it!
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