Tips for Staying Sane as a Mom

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

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As Moms we play a lot of roles. We are teachers, chefs, counselors, launderers, maids, etc. The list could go on and on. I have struggled over the years to stay on top of things as I homeschooled my boys, ran an in-home business, and tried to maintain a household. There were times I barely kept up. There were other seasons in life when everything went as planned. It has been a roller coaster ride of ups and downs. So here's a look at how I do it all... or rather here's a look at what I use in my life to try to maintain some sanity...

-Start and end your day right. I am an early riser, not because I want to be, but because of the anxiety I struggle with. Sleep is elusive for me in the early morning hours. However, I have found this to be a benefit. I can have some quiet time to myself for Bible study and get a jump start on housework. If you "awake time" is more in the evening then use that time after the kids go to bed to get some chores done so that tomorrow doesn't look so scary. Even taking fifteen minutes to do one extra item on your list helps. I have noticed that when I get up late and don't have my quiet time in the morning things don't go as well throughout the day!

{My bullet journal.}

-Plan ahead. I have always been a daytimer kind of girl. I have to write everything down or I forget. Recently, I have switched my method of keeping track of what I need/want to do by using a bullet journal. You can go to this post to read more about it. Your method doesn't have to be a bullet journal, but using some kind of system to keep track of what you need to do helps tremendously!

-Streamline Meal Prep. I have been doing freezer cooking for years now. It is about the only way my family has received nutrition over the years! I love how I can prep meals on the weekend and then just pull them out of the freezer during our busy weeks. I have a ton of posts on my site on freezer cooking. You can find them here if you are interested in doing some of your meals ahead. Another lifesaver has been the Instant Pot I recently bought. OH MY! I could literally sell these things door-to-door! LOL! I have loved how easy it makes my cooking experience! It hard boils eggs you can actually eat. It does pasta to perfection. It cooks frozen foods quickly. I just can't say enough about how it has made my life easier in the meal department!

-Take time for yourself. This is so essential! So many times as moms we get lost in the lives of our families and take little time for ourselves. I have found over the years that if I take some time for myself even if it is a little snippet of time life goes better for me. I do this through my quiet time with God, getting together with a friend from time to time, and being creative (I love coloring! Here is a list of posts of great coloring books.) Find something that you enjoy doing and make time for it during your week. You will be a happier mom in the long run!

-Give yourself grace. We all fail. We all have terrible days when we seem to do nothing right. We yell at our kids. We burn dinner. We forget to do a load of laundry and there is a lack of underwear and socks (This is a true confession on my part!). Whatever the mess-up, give yourself grace. You do yourself no good by constantly beating yourself up. Figure out how you can do that task differently next time and let the disaster go!

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