2011 in Review

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

This year has been an amazing one for me...one of tremendous healing in my life.  I always enjoy taking a trip down memory lane at the end of each year.  Here are the highlights from 2011:

I started out with grace as my Word of the Year. I learned how grace and gratitude are mixed together and the hard lesson of there always needs to be a place for grace.  I also began to understand how we can kill grace with one ugly attitude. The end result of my year of grace was a series in October called 31 Days of Forgiveness. I cannot even begin to explain the healing that has come from extending forgiveness (a form of grace) to those that have hurt me.  It has been the highlight of my year.

Our oldest entered high school this year.  He taught himself to ride a unicycle during the summer!

Our youngest (a true "Renaissance Man") has been involved in all kinds of activities like horseback riding and art classes.

Our mini-Schnauzer turned two.

Tim, my movie star husband, spent time building a shed in our backyard while I spent time in the garden.

We have truly been blessed this year! I can't wait to see what 2012 holds for us!

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