Four Truths for Your Insides

Thursday, April 7, 2016

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Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being...Psalm 51:6

My goal this year is to write out the entire book of Psalm. I know it sounds crazy, but it really has given me a deeper appreciation for so many familiar verses that many times I don't stay long enough on to ponder. When you write, you slow down. Just what this fast-paced girl needs in order to "Think On These Things" in His Word. {You can read about my copying of the Psalms here.}

A few weeks ago I was on Psalm of David's. I tend to love the psalms that he wrote. I get David...he is heartfelt and open with his words and emotions. As I came to verse six, I stopped. For some reason, the words hit me like they never have before. "Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being." What "truths" do I tell myself on the inside? Are they even true? What should I be locking away in my heart? What thoughts need to be thrown out?

Here are four truths we need on our insides:

Our sin is more devastating than we can imagine. We don't get the impact of our sins. Maybe it is because we are trying so desperately to cover them up. Or perhaps we just don't get how our actions affect others. We refuse to look in the mirror and look deep inside our hearts because we are afraid of the "ick" that may be lurking. What we fail to realize is that...

We are loved beyond comprehension. God sees all the ugliness and brokenness and loves us regardless. Our sin is no match for His love and forgiveness. The way we are treated is not a reflection of how God loves us. Our failures are mere opportunities for His grace to shine. We tend to forget He loves us fiercely regardless of where we have been, what has happened to us, or what we have done. And because we are loved so much...

Fear need not dominate us. We can have peace that He is with us and on our side. Yes, He may allow some devastating circumstances, but we can rest in the fact He will walk us through them. Anxiety doesn't need to control us, because He is the One in control. With God at the helm...

We can to give grace to ourselves and others. Grace follows when we know that we are loved and taken care of. Trusting God means that we can live "open-handed", extending grace and forgiveness to those around us and ourselves. We trust that in the end, He will set all things right no matter how much we or others have messed up.

So what truths are you speaking to yourself today?

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