The Giver of Gifts

Monday, April 9, 2012


-The opportunity to teach VBS
-The story of Mephibosheth
-New Sunday school curriculum
-That we will be resurrected
-That God uses even the painful things to redeem us
-That He heals broken hearts
-That He gives the power to forgive
-Stained glass windows
-Who I am in Christ
-A purse to hold all my stuff
-Hard relationships that make me appreciate my relationship with Christ
-That brokeness can be beautiful
-Melting snow
-A new sled for Noah
-The Son of Man
-The Ancient of Days
-A resurrected Christ
-That God always carries us
-Getting my hair done
-A chance to earn some extra cash
-New recipes to try
-Asphalt no longer covered in snow so the boys can ride their bikes
-Zach almost done with two of his classes

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