To struggle to forgive is to suffer.--Shawn Lantz
God has really put me through the fire so to speak in regards to the area of forgiveness. Last October I even wrote a whole series on the topic. I have read many a book, done a few Bible studies, and spent hours in the process of forgiveness. Does it get any easier? I actually think that that depends on the depth of the offense and how much practice you have in the forgiving department. For me forgiveness has become paramount in me dealing with an abuse situation in my life. I am pretty sure that I would be a very bitter person if I had not made the choice to forgive.
I recently came across Encountering the Healing Power of Forgiveness (Living with Unmet Desires) by Shawn Lantz. This Bible study for women goes through the lives of one family discussing generational sin and the goal of forgiving.
Shawn also has another Bible study called Living with Unmet Desires: Exposing the Many Faces of Jealousy
. I may do that one next!

1 comment:
Thank you so much for your review of my wife's book. We would be happy to send you a complimentary copy of LWUD Jealousy. Let me know your address and we will send that to you directly. May the Lord bless you in your study of His Word!
- Rob Lantz
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