Noah will be in 4th grade! There was a time in 2000 that I wasn't sure that I would have a second that child is 9 years old! That God has blessed me with not one, but two boys boggles my mind.
This school year I want to do things on my boys more...I have only so much time left to influence their lives before they are gone from our home. I am starting to "number my days" (Psalms 90:12) with them.
Here are a few things that I plan to do differently:
*Laugh more often with them.
*Love on them with notes of encouragement hidden in their school books.
*Accept them for who they are and not what I want them to become.
*Focus on Christ so that I can have patience with them. Knowing that in time that God makes all things beautiful in His timing...and that includes the life of my boys.
*Plan more "fun days" to get through the drugery of the year that will most certainly come upon us.
*Instill a love of God's Word in them...if they have that and nothing else then I have been successful as a mom.
*Start the year with cupcakes! It is our family tradition to start each school year with a fun cupcake.
So I guess I am look up some fun cupcake ideas....and write notes of encouragement!

I'm right there with you, Debbie. Our time with our children is precious and limited. They grow up so fast! I want to make the most of it.
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- In the Vine, Jim & Cindy
Sounds like a good year plan. It is important to take the time to have fun. I need to be reminded about it as well. Blessings on your year.
I like your list. It reflects lots of wisdom and reflection. I probably need to do more of those as well.
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