Word of the Year for 2009-Patience...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

This year is almost to a close, and I thought I would look back on how it went. In January, I chose a "word for the year". A word or concept that I would focus on for the next 12 months.  For 2009, I chose the word Patience.  Here is my original post about it.  In many ways, this year was a success...I did demonstrate patience especially when it came to my oldest son.  He isn't wired like I am...he is a procrastinator in many respects and not highly motivated.  I am a go-getter and like to get things done in a timely fashion.  I came to realize this year that he is so much different in the way he operates. We had him tested this past summer and that really revealed to me his differences in the way he handles his work.  I have let him be himself more and more.  It doesn't mean that I don't set guidelines or deadlines for him.  I have just eased up on nagging him about getting things done.  Just easing up a bit has made all the difference in the world!!!! Our relationship has become so much better because of it.

If you look at my original post you will see that part of patience has to do with forgiveness. Showing forgiveness is showing patience with people. God has given me many opportunities to show forgiveness to others this past year.  There have been three major situations that have required forgiveness on my part. With one, I was able to immediately give that forgiveness even though there are huge ramifications for me and a heap load of pain that I have to work through.  I guess I began to see forgiveness for what it really is.  A releasing of that person from their debt to me.  I expect nothing from them...they can't even make it right if they tried.  The damage has been done.  I also came to the realization that I have to forgive them because I have been in their shoes....I have done what they have done.  How can I hold anything against them?  Now, that doesn't mean that I haven't set some boundaries...God has been teaching me that we can forgive and yet we may have to set some boundaries with the one who offended us.  This is still such a process for me!  I am still learning and growing through it.

So what is in store for 2010?  What will my word of the year be?  I have no idea!  I am going to take the next few weeks to think about it and pray about what God needs to teach me in the coming months.

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