I recently found these cool games! They are made by Mindware. It is called BrainBox and there are several versions of the game: World, USA, US Presidents, Animals, etc. I was able to get the world and animal versions for free today! The idea is to absorb as much information on the one side of the card as possible in 10 seconds. Then you hand the card over to your partner. Your partner asks you a question (on the back of the card) about the country (animal, state, etc.) that you just studied. The person with the most cards at the end wins. You can set the amount of time you want to play. We played each of our games for ten minutes.
These games would be excellent for workboxes. There is even a version of the game for one player! I have to warn you though your kids may beat you! I found out that this old brain just doesn't absorb info like those younger ones! I didn't do so well...my 8 year old got 4 times as many than me in the animal game! 

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