When the Week is Hard...

Monday, March 3, 2014

 It has been a hard week. Last Monday I learned that we lost my great Aunt Alice.  She was ninety, and one of the woman I so admire.  It is my prayer that I can be like her...gracious and able to deal with adversity and pain without complaint.  Then I spent the week sick with a virus that hit hard.  Yet, there is still much to be thankful for...


-Aunt Alice, who taught me you can go through life no matter how hard and come out the victor
-Her example to my boys
-The fact that my teen boys were thoroughly impressed with a 90 year old woman.  Shows you what kind of person she was.
-Her love for me
-My husband's work and his great boss

-Getting a least a little done last week and redecorating the door my Spanish students enter to come to lessons.  Quote, comics, and more.

-The amazing opportunity that I get to influence kids and youth through my Spanish lessons
-Being able to build relationships with them
-Tim and I getting invited to watch The Son of God movie in Spanish by one of my former Spanish students.  It was so neat to catch up with her.
-Watching people come to Christ after the movie
-Texting in Spanish
-Getting a lot of reading done as I lay in bed sick

-Realizing how much my boys have learned through homeschooling.  Definitely not a reflection of the teacher, but rather of God's grace!
-A husband willing to get dinner and cook it
-Texts from a friend offering advice on how to get through my virus
-A special time with a friend
-Extremely clean dishes from a new dishwasher
-Getting to hear Andrew Palau speak and getting to meet him.  He will be doing a city fest this summer in our city to bring people to Christ.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved your list. Your aunt sounds like a remarkable woman. What a blessing to have such an example before you! Grace and blessings to you this week.