Believe that He is Out for Our Good

Monday, January 13, 2014

Believe that what He has allowed is for your good...the theme running in my head right now.  And the only way to believe that the heartache and the joy are for my good is to count them all as gifts.  Another Monday.  Another list of His unending gifts...


-My "believe" journal of gifts that hurt.  Trying to believe that they are there to grow me.
-A week of easing back into our schedule
-Pies for a birthday
-A son that turned thirteen {Where has the time gone?}
-Loneliness that brings us closer to God
-A God that works out the details
-Date nights
-A commitment to learn more of God's Word.  This year I am using Ann Voskamp's plan to memorize verse in John this year.
-Discussions with my oldest about Great Expectations
-A living free of Christmas decor
-A lazy Friday afternoon
-Grocery shopping
-Lunch at a Thai restaurant
-Learning grace
-Writing from the heart
-How God has changed me on the inside over the past year
-A painful anniversary coming up that I can now truly say blessed me


Unknown said...

Stopping by from Ann's...I love the idea of your "believe" journal for the gifts that hurt! Thanks for sharing your beautiful list Debbie.

Debbie said...

Thanks, Jenna!