Gratitude is a Refusal

Monday, July 8, 2013

Call me a rebel, but there are some things nowadays that I refuse to do. I refuse to let my mind sink into a pit of despair.  I refuse to take into account what others say of me or even what I think of myself.  I refuse to look at the negative.  I refuse to focus on what I don't have, but on rather what I do have. These days it is my mode of survival.

Gratitude is a refusal.  A refusal to see the negative.  A refusal to focus on that which isn't in my grasp.  To take hold of life we must be grateful for what we do have. There is freedom in the thanking.  The lack doesn't hold me...only the beauty of what He has given me.  So I continue my gift list...


-Veggies from the garden

-And more veggies

-And a bee to pollinate
-Words of wisdom
-Getting through some hard days and emotions
-My Bible study meeting me right where I am when I need it
-Watching three teen girls serve Christ in Peru
-Strawberries out of the garden
-Pizza night
-Long drive with Tim
-Long walks to relieve tension
-Reading The Unburdened Heart: Finding the Freedom of Forgiveness and
The Freedom of Self Forgetfulness: The Path to True Christian Joy
-Deep house cleaning
-Grooming my dog
-Having my son home
-People to prop me up when I just can't
-A chance encounter with one of my son's friends and his words of encouragement
-Sitting on the lawn in the cool of the evening
-Demonstrating hospitality
-Fudgy brownies
-Tomato and cucumber salad
-Learning to surrender to what God has for me
-Knowing my limitations
-Movie night with that family
-Rainbow over a soccer field as my son and his friend play
-A great class

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