Reading God's Story

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I love God's Word.  It has pulled me out of the pits of anxiety, depression, sin, etc. too many times to count.  I have read through the Bible a few times (maybe three???).  Two of those times I have used the
The Bible in 90 Days: Cover to Cover in 12 Pages a Day (New International Version).  I have been more successful in reading quickly through God's Word instead of doing a year long plan.  Within six months of the yearlong plan I get bored and stop doing it.  While ninety days is fast it is so worth it.  You get to see the big picture of God's love and view the reoccurring themes.  This year I am doing something a bit different.  Instead of 90 will be 120.  Instead of reading the New International Version, I am reading the Holman Christian Standard Bible chronologically using Reading God's Story: A Chronological Daily Bible.  And instead of reading with an online group, I am reading with two friends from church.

I am gleaning so much from reading a different translation.  It is making me stop and think instead of reading without thinking it through because the wording is so familiar. I am also loving reading chronologically.  For example, at the beginning I read the creation story and then a few Psalms related to creation.  After Genesis, you read Job (since many scholars believe that Job lived during the time of Genesis).  I am getting to see a whole new perspective!

More than anything in life I want to encourage others to read God's Word.  It isn't as hard as I used to think.  It can be done with a little perseverance and a desire to know God better.  There are so many reading plans out there that you can find something that will work for you.  Check out You Version online for a great Bible app and different reading plans.

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