Joy Dare

Friday, January 6, 2012

It's not Monday...but Multitude Mondays have changed my life so I though I would talk about it on this Friday morning.  On October 5, 2009, I started on a journey of list all those gifts that He has graced me with.  The goal was a thousand gifts...I will soon reach 2,000 and plan to keep going.

Since starting my list I have become a different person...more at peace...more joyful...more hopeful. It has turned me from being a negative person to a positive one...all because I said "Thank You".  It is all in your focus...focus on the positive in your life that God has given you and then the negative doesn't seem so terrible.  And although this may sound crazy, giving thanks for the trials of life helps you to accept them and deal with them better. {Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds...James 1:2}

So in this new year, why don't you start your list?  Ann Voskamp has provided a "Joy Dare" list of ideas of things you can be thankful for in the month of January. You can download it and print it out as a reminder.  I am going to use it for ideas as I make my way to 2,000. Why not give it a try?

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