Ripening Tomatoes

Thursday, September 8, 2011

This year we have been blessed with tomatoes! A few weeks ago someone we know who owns a greenhouse in town gave us a bunch of tomatoes that I used to make salsa and spaghetti sauce with.  Well, it is time to finally start pulling my tomatoes off the vines (I think I have about 60-70 Early Girls and tons of Tiny Tim tomatoes!).  The problem is that if you live in Alaska like I do tomatoes don't ripen fast enough before the cool weather hits.  So I decided to bring some of them indoors and start the ripening process.  I was setting them in my kitchen window that gets lots of light, but was running out of room.  Then I came up with the idea of going vertical.  By placing the tomatoes in mason jars I was able to get more of them in the window sill. What is more they are kind of decorative up there! Pretty cool!

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