Grilling Zucchini

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What you may not know about me is that I am brilliant!  And what is more I have a very brilliant friend!  This year (because we both love summer squash) we decided to grow a bunch of zucchini and yellow squash.  She started seeds for me and I also bought two zuke plants at a local greenhouse. So when all was said and done our brilliancy amounted to seven (yes, 7!!!) summer squash plants.  Now for you gardeners out there you know that this "brilliant" plan has the tendency to backfire in August when I start pulling green and yellow "baseball bats" out of my garden! LOL  What were we thinking?!

So the squash is starting to produce and I am looking for ways to deal with it all.  A lot of it I will end up shredding and freezing for baked good later in the winter.  I tend to use the "baseball bats"for that.  Lately I have been grilling zucchini.  Here's how:

*Cut a zuke lengthwise (see photo).
*Spread butter on one of the cut sides.
*Sprinkle with garlic salt and parmesan cheese.
*Sprinkle with chopped basil and oregano (also from my garden).
*Put the two sides together and wrap in foil.
*Grill for 15 to 20 minutes, turning occassionally.

So please tell me, what other brilliant things can I do with zucchini?

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