Crystal over at Everyday Food Storage is doing a giveaway of her new book! I have gleaned so much information and recipes from her website since I found it a little over a month ago. Her information has been invaluable! Remember when I posted about Magic Mix...well I got the idea from her website. I have also been able to improve my bread making with some of her tips. I have been looking forward to this book which will be available for purchase on Wednesday on Amazon for $17.95. Crystal can explain best what her book includes...here is an excerpt from her blog...
What is included in I Can’t Believe It’s Food Storage?
-A step by step training program for using your food storage every day in your own recipes. Think of me as your food storage personal trainer.
-Over 100 kitchen tested (and very delicious) recipes, including some not yet featured on my blog!
-Family Home Evening lessons to help get your entire family involved in planning your 3-month supply and helping you in the kitchen.
-Information on the what, where, and why’s of common food storage items.
-Practical tips for getting dinner on the table, picky eaters, grocery shopping, and more!

She is also doing a giveaway for six books if you get the word out on its release. Please see
Everyday Food Storage for all the details!
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