There's not a day where you and yours are not protected by the most powerful, protective, and beneficial force in the universe--the grace of God. Every situation, location, and relationship you're in every day is made livable and tolerable by his grace. -Paul David Tripp
Grace permeates our lives, but we often miss its appearance. Maintaining a gratitude list helps us find the grace we missed. Can you list the grace He gives you? You may find grace abounds!
-Reading A Shelter in the Time of Storm: Meditations on God and Trouble
-More students signing up
-This sign given to my husband by some friends...we can face anything because we are known and loved.
-A bathroom fixed up
-Very supportive parents of my Spanish students
-Going out to eat with my sons
-Helping set up a classroom and decorate it
-Severe back pain...realizing how blessed I am when I am not in pain
-The tomatoes that keep ripening
-A friend coming over and asking for prayer
-Meeting a new student and his mom. Such lovely people!
-Reading Flowers for Algernon for the first time
-Encouraging words from other Christians

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