The Power of Snakes and Written Words

Friday, July 25, 2014

They are just letters strung together, but some slither and strike. Words with power to kill a heart, a relationship, a soul.

I almost can't open them, because I have lived a lifetime of ugly written words. It doesn't matter the format or delivery method...the ones wrapped in envelopes, the ones that ping in your purse as the text comes in, or the ones patiently waiting on Facebook in a private message. They coil ready to strike...

You deserved the abuse.
I don't think you should be teaching my kids.
You're the problem.
God is going to hurt you because you won't do what I want.
You are not loved anymore.
I don't want your gift.
That was an awful decision on your part. What were you thinking?

I try hard to push them down, but stuffing them only makes them bite harder and the poison seep deeper. I can't overcome those words written on the paper or the screen. They killed a part of me, and I am not sure I can ever revive what was lost or can I?

Photo by Harlan Humphrey @ Wild Scenic Nature

My dad has killed a snake or two. Grandpa...grandma...they knew how to confront the scary rattling sound in the grass to avoid the strike. You don't live on the prairies of South Dakota and not know how to overcome a snake. "Always be well-dressed (boots that protect the legs you stand on) and always use something more powerful to kill it (a shovel is an efficient tool)."

How do you destroy those angry, written words? What is more powerful than the words that struck your soul? WORDS

They are just letters strung together, but they help and heal. Words have power to kill the words that killed you.

I was just telling my sister what a wonderful teacher you are.
Your words were exactly what I needed.
I love you.
You are stronger than you think you are.
I am so sorry.
I am here for you.
What you wrote encouraged me. Please don't stop.

or these words, the most powerful of them all...

Can a woman forget her nursing child and have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, but I will not forget you. Isaiah 49:15

Do not fear for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine. Isaiah 43:1

In all these things, we are more than conquerors through him how loved us. Romans 8:37

Or how about some loud words?!

He will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing. Zephaniah 3:17

They are just letters strung together with all the power in the world.


Anonymous said...

These are very timely words you have written and shared for me today, in light of words that were spoken and directed at me yesterday.
I had to ask for God to help me forgive before I slept last night, because unforgiveness can fester and put down deep roots.
Thank God he always hears our heartfelt cries and requests, and I am being enabled to cast these hurts onto Him and that feels so freeing.
Thank you for posting this today.

Debbie said...

So thankful that my words were helpful to you! You are so right...forgiveness is the key to be able to move on. Even though I don't know your name I will be praying for you!! You are loved!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I love how you brought the post back to God's promises of who we are in HIs eyes. You chose two verses that are powerful and personal for me= Zephaniah and Isaiah 43. Thank you! Blessings! Mary

Angie Kay Webb said...

Beautiful words. I am finding you from the snail mail link up. God Bless

Unknown said...

Yes! We overcome the lies with the Truth because the Truth will set us free. There is power when we speak it. Glad you linked up, Debbie!