{NOTE: This is a re-post}
She bleeds...from the heart...those that were suppose to love her, to take care of her have done her wrong. Things that never should have happened. Words that never should have crossed their lips. And yet, there it is and something has to be done. Something has to be done with the pain...with the hurt. Who is going to pick up the pieces of a life that has been shattered by another person's sin? There is only One.
One that knows what it means to be shattered even though not a single one of His bones was broken.
One who can take the pain of the world upon Him.
One who can handle the hurt.
One who could handle the sin...her sin and their sin and rise again from it.
He knows...He knew from the beginning of time that this would happen...that the ugliness of sin would enter in and leave her life changed forever. He knew and let it happen. Why? To refine her...to beautify her...to make her whole in a way that she never thought possible.
Does she blame Him? How can she when He only has her best interests at heart? Does she question Him? How can she when she won't even understand the complete answer? She doesn't know what to do except to keep her eyes upon Him (2 Chronicles 20:12). He is the answer to it all.
So she sits still and knows...
knows that He is who He said He is...that He is God and worthy to be praised regardless of what He has allowed in her life (Psalms 46:10). She knows that when it all falls apart (Habakkuk 3:17-19) she will rejoice in Him. And though she doesn't see Him...can't possibly fathom His ways, she trusts Him.
Because He knows the way that she takes; when He has tested her, she will come forth as gold. Job 23:10
She knows that He knows...all the pain, all the heartache, all the tears and that is all that matters.

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