We were extremely focused this week in getting our schoolwork done! I love weeks like these. Seems like we accomplish so much.
The boys did a lot of science this week! Zach has about three experiments going right now. Noah is working hard to finish botany so that he can move on to human anatomy. His close friend is doing human anatomy, and we plan to do some of the activities together. Can I just say that I love Apologia science!!!! The boys are learning so much. Zach is learning how to study and take tests with this curriculum which is getting him ready for high school.
Speaking of high school...I am starting to plan for it!!!!!!!!!!!! The thought just freaks me out! Where did the time go? It seemed like only a few years ago Zach was little, and I was teaching at a local high school. Everything has changed...
Zach is no longer little (almost my height...5'9"!)
I am no longer teaching public school.
My high school students will be my OWN children now.
I sat down with a planner this week to map out what Zach will do in high school. Math and science are pretty much set in stone. We will use Math-u-see (which we have used from the beginning) and Apologia (our new found love).
History and English are another ball of wax! I just don't know what to do. I know that some of our materials for English will come from the Institute for Excellence in Writing, but I am not exactly sure what we will do. We have been using Biblioplan for years and have loved it. But the high school supplement from Biblioplan doesn't appeal to me because of the textbooks that are use.
I am seriously looking at the following programs for high school. If you have an opinion about one of them let me know:

I found you through the Weekly Wrap Up Mr. Linky, I'm planning high school for next year too. I was looking at Greenleaf, you might pop on over to their site and see how their line up is for high school, they have a page in their catalog dedicated to how to plan out their materials for highschool use. IEW has an American and British History course, they also sell the worldview course which looks like a nice intro. to lit course. If not the woman who wrote the IEW courses for American Lit. and British lit. has her own website and sells more lit courses. Just some of my thoughts so far that I thought I would share.
Thanks for sharing...I will look into those!
I have heard so many wonderful things about Apologia Science. I plan on checking it out once we finish "Considering God's Creation." It does sound like a wonderful and fun science curriculum!
You already found the Excellence in Lit. site. I am looking at the Notgrass for Econ. and Government. I like the Uncle Eric books and I see that IEW has an Econ. writing course. It's hard to fit all this in. Lol. Let me know if you find anything for Econ. or Govern. that fits in with the Greenleaf Highschool line up. I'm liking them every time I visit. I'm seeing though they pull the lit. out of history and I don't see how I can do more lit with that if I use that. So confusing. We love Apologia too, the kids are using it independently this year after having us all go through two of the courses together, very fun for them. I purchased the experiment kits and it very easy for me to have all three of them on different books with those kits available for the supplies. They are writing about each section not using any pre-made notebooking materials though those new journals looked tempting. Those Diane Waring tapes look like a nice add on to history.
Nikki- We did Considering God's Creation and loved it!
Stitching Life- Yes, it is hard to know how much literature to do. So many history program have lots of literature in them.
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