I have to admit that my favorite Bible studies come from Beth Moore. She has taught me a wealth of information and turned my heart towards God over and over again throughout the years. The sad things is that I have caught up with her! I have completed all her Bible studies and even done two of them twice! God has used her studies to grow me in ways that I could never have imagined. So I am eagerly awaiting her new
study on James, but I have a feeling it is going to be awhile. In the meantime, I have branched out by doing the
Bible in 90 Days program and some other Bible studies by Priscilla Shirer and Jennifer Rothschild. I have noticed that if I don't stay in the Word...I fall apart! So last week I happened upon a study by Max Lucado called
Experiencing the Heart of Jesus: Knowing His Heart, Feeling His Love. So far I am enjoying it and it is getting me to think about Jesus and His relationship to me. I am not sure how long this study will take me...probably about ten weeks which will put me close to the January start of another Bible in 90 Days session. I haven't decided if I am going to read the Bible again in 90 days or just be a mentor.
If you have any suggestions for some great Bible studies, please leave me a comment. I would love to hear what has worked for you!
What's your favorite Beth Moore study, Debbie? I've done a few of them and would really like to get a new one to do now that I've finished by Bible in 90 Days.
My favorite....I don't know that I can choose! Here are some of my favorites:
Living Beyond Yourself (Fruit of the Spirit)
Beloved Disciple (on John)
A Heart Like His (on David)
Believing God
I've only done Annointed, Transformed, Redeemed that Beth Moore collaborated with Kay Arthur and Pricilla Shirir on. I enjoyed her style.
I love doing the precept studies that Kay Arthur puts out. I might end up needing to try something different next semester.
Do you do these studies on your own or with a group?
I love the idea of doing one on John! :)
I mostly do them on my own as it makes it hard with my schedule to do it with a group.
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