How to Read the Bible in 90 Days...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

So in less than a month I will embark on an adventure of trying to read the Bible in 90 days! One of the main reasons I wanted to do this was so that I could get an overview of the Bible in a short amount of see how everything fits together in God's Word.  Obviously, I won't be able to get a lot of detail...this is more of a big picture thing.

But here is the problem...I have only read through the Bible once in my life and at that it was a struggle!  I had such a hard time getting past Leviticus!  So how in the world am I going to be able to do this?  It finally ocurred to me that I can't do it!  But with God's help, I can!  The Holy Spirit enables us to act like Jesus when we don't want to and can't.  He gives us the Fruit of the Spirit to accomplish the hard tasks.  Each fruit of the Spirit will be vital as I try to read the Bible in 90 days...

Love...I will need God to give me a love for His word.

Joy will be vital as I go on this journey...I will need joy to avoid what might become drugery otherwise.

Peace will be important, too.  I will need it so that I don't worry about all the other things that aren't getting done while I read. Peace will help me to focus on the task at hand. get through the parts that are harder to read like say the book of Numbers.

Kindness may not seem like a need as I go through this commitment, but for my Type A personality I will need it.  Since I won't be getting other things done, I tend to get cranky...that shows up in my relationship with my family...kindness will be necessary!

Goodness..the willingness to do what is right.  I can see myself fudging and not being truthful about the completion of each reading.  I am praying that God will help me to be truthful if I am not successful each day. finish what I began.

Gentleness is submission (at least that is what I learned in Beth Moore's study on the Fruit of the Spirit!).  I will need to submit to what the reading of God's Word bring to light in my life.  Will there be ways in which I will need to change?

Self-Control...this is a biggie! I desire enough self-discipline to finish the task!


Heidi said...

Great post, Debbie. I think I'm going to try to accomplish this as well. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie, I'm going to try this. I usually open the Bible and read it where it opens, then end up snapping it shut in frustration. I'm going to find a version that is easier to read. I might not be on the same schedule as you all, but wanted to thank you for inspiring me.

Melanie said...

I'm trying this out as well. If it makes you feel better, I get stuck at Leviticus as well. I wonder why? But I think that having a community doing it at the same time will make all the difference!
