My Times {Verses of Hope}

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

We like to think we are in control. Control of our lives, our schedules, and our relationships. It is only an illusion, but this great farce is probably some of the best news we can receive. Our times are not in our control. We can't truly manipulate our lives into what we want, because we are in God's hands not ours. We can't lay down the worry and let Him take the lead.

Psalm 31:15 is such a comfort for me. I can rest in knowing that whatever happens in my life God has it all under control. There have been many times when life whirls and wars wage in my circumstances and my heart, but God is there holding my "times". And because He is there I can rest in the fact that whatever is pursuing or tormenting me {a hectic schedule, a broken heart, a worn-out body} He will deliver. He doesn't walk out on us when it gets tough. ALL our times are in His hands. We can give up being in charge.

When anxiety strikes I tell myself that "My times are in His hands." He's got this situation. He's got me. He is not about to let go. Are you struggling right now through a specific "time" in life that is less than cheery? Please remember that He has you and this time and will never let you go.

This post is a part of a series called "Verses of Hope".  Do you need a bit of hope? Check out the other verses in the series.

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