We will be doing some different things for December this year...I have decided that we are going to be taking a break from our history (Ancients) and our science (Zoology) for the month of December. This year we are going to do a unit study on Argentina based on the book, Chúcaro. You can find the study here. I wrote this study so that I could do it with my kids. I have been to Argentina three times and love it there! I want the boys to have an appreciation of other countries. So many times South America and Africa get left out in the dark so to speak when studying about the world. We recently did a study on Malawi, and now I thought it would be a great idea to focus on Argentina.
I am also planning on doing some fun projects in December related to Christmas. Here are some of the ideas I am toying with...
I have wanted for a long time to make some of the treats from Bakerella...maybe some reindeer or Christmas trees.
We always read one of the following stories each year for Advent...we have just voted on which one we are going to do (we have read them all so we decided to vote to see which one we will repeat this year). And we have decided to do Tabitha!
Stay tuned for updates as we get closer to December. I am hoping to compile all we do with Chúcaro and put it on the blog in case there are others who want to do this study.
We're reading Tabitha this year too. I love that series.
I hope you have a wonderful "trip" to Argentina.
Thanks for the reminder of Jotham's Journey!! We were away for Christmas last year so didn't do it.
I found your blog at FIAR Kitchen...and was happy to add it to my FIAR blogs. Your dh takes amazing photos..wow!
Thank you for mentioning these books, I have never heard of them. I went to the library and in the new books section was Jotham's Journey! We started last night and really enjoyed the first chapter.
"Teacher of One"-They truly are great books...we have all three and enjoy reading them again and again!
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