
Friday, December 31, 2010

A Trip Down Memory Lane--2010

Time slips quietly by without us noticing it.  We are at the end of  a year even though it seems like it has scarcely begun!  Here is a look back at 2010 for The Architect and the Artist.

I started 2010 by picking a new Word of the Year. My prayer life has changed dramatically over the past twelve months...most importantly,  I running to God more than sitting in a pile of worry.

In the midst of trying to get rid of worry, we have had a few scary moments or two.

We became parents of a teen. Does that qualify as a scary moment?

We have enjoyed our mini-schnauzer so much this year.  He turned one in May.

I read the Bible (yes, every word) in 61 days using the Bible in 90 Days plan. I loved getting a bird's eye view of God's Word and seeing how it all fits together.

I was able to meet one of my FIAR sisters!

I grew pumpkins in my garden for the first time.

We had a lot of homeschooling fun: We started a new science curriculum which we love. We continued our cupcake tradition. We studied Shakespeare. I have started the process of getting ready for high school...that is, getting ready to teach high school!

I continued my quest to have meals in the freezer at all times.  I have even branched out into making breakfast ahead of time.  But most of all, I have learned to cook in style!

I had a blog makeover!

My husband became a movie star! Yes, you read that right....the movie will come out January 2012. His part is small, but it was quite the experience for him!

I turned 40!

Most of all, God has been teaching me along the way. I became a Christian over 30 years ago, but I am so glad that I am not the same person that I was...that He has been changing me over time. He has taught me to garden, how NOT to swim like a rock, to realize that He knows all things, and to deal with bandages.

Join me this coming year...I am excited to we what God and 2011 have to offer!

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