So here are the rules:
*I must thank Sheri...Thank you, Sheri!
*I need to tell you 7 things about myself that you don't know.
*I need to pass on the reward to 7 people.
Seven Things about Debbie---
*I am from New Underwood, South Dakota. Find that on the map!
*I used to put makeup on men while I worked as a missionary! No lie. I worked in Buenos Aires, Argentina putting makeup on pastors so that they could go on TV to proclaim the good news of Christ!
*I am 5 foot 9 and shrinking!
*I have been to over 40 states and have lived in New York, Colorado, Kansas, Virginia, Kentucky, and Alaska.
*I am Welsh, Swedish and German.
*I can't stand to eat red meat...I maybe eat it once a month.
*I have a thing for hedgehogs! We took care of one one summer and I feel in love with them.
The 7 People who are getting this award---
(Ok, this is not going to be seven as I just gave another award away to several bloggers...don't want to overwhelm people). I love all the creative blogs below...
*Michele at My Blessings from Above
*Julie over at Faith-filled Days
*Shannon over at Song of my Heart
*Tara over at Mom Teaches 2
*Sheri over at What's in the box?

Hey thanks! I will post 7 things no one really cares to know about me soon! LOL. Blessings-
Sheri (the other one) :0)
Thanks, Debbie! I really appreciate the encouragement. BTW, we're the same height, and I'm shrinking too! :)
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