
Thursday, September 4, 2014

Hope and Healing {An Introduction}

Are you feeling broken? Mind racing over the past and what happened? Do you feel like you will always be stuck in a cycle of hurt? If so, I hope you will join me for my new series here at The Architect and the Artist, Hope and Healing. 

First, a little bit about my road to healing...most of my pain has been relational. Broken relationships have been an overarching theme in my adulthood. A few of them have been repaired by genuine repentance and my willingness to work through the hurt to get to the other side of it, but many of them have not.  Either the person had a hard heart, apologized while blaming me all in one breath, or I decided that the relationship was too toxic. These have been the hardest hurts to deal with...the ones where there was no reconciliation in the end.  I have learned to heal without the help of those that hurt me. In the long run it has made me stronger and proved to be some of the best learning experiences ever, but it has been a long, hard journey.

We are all broken. Not a single one of us escapes unscathed by the hurts of life. The goal is to transform the hurt into healing and to take the pain and give it a purpose, because a wound that won't heal only stinks and eats away at us. It is my prayer that you will come back during the month of September on Thursdays and Fridays to read my posts on hope and healing.  Healing is possible, but it is hard work.

A lot of the information I have posted before, but I thought it would be good to consolidate my ideas and journey. There will also be some new information. Here is what I will be discussing...

{Note: The links will be live once the post goes up on the blog.}

Intro {Today's post}
The Power of Brokenness-How brokenness can be a blessing
Unrecognizable-How brokenness changes us
Forgiveness-One of the biggest steps to healing
Be a Heart Vader-How to deal with relational angst
Victim Turned Victor-Do you have a voice?
Making Peace with Your Past-Who to give your pieces to?
Five Ways to Heal-Practical ideas to promote healing

And a bonus post in October...
A Resource List-A long list of books that I have read and recommend that deal with healing

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