
Friday, September 5, 2014

Hope and Healing {The Power of Brokenness}

Are you struggling to heal in the aftermath of brokenness? Are you feeling like you may never be the same again? I am so glad you joined me today as I talk about the power that brokenness can have in our lives. There really is a benefit to brokenness if we will allow God to work through us. To read more of my Hope and Healing series, click here

A lone egg left in the nest after a season of raising babies.  It looked perfect.  A little dirty, but not a crack to be found.  Perfect.  Yet unfruitful.

While we hate hurt, plead for no pain in our lives, and avoid annoyances at all cost, the fact still remains.  Brokenness brings life.  No egg ever gave birth to a baby bird by being totally intact. So why do we try to walk away, push away, and flee from the very thing that can bring us life?  We fight it with all the strength we have.  The irony?  Facing it makes us stronger. Facing it brings freedom. Taking it straight on brings life. The more broken you are the bigger your potential to bless the world.  Ask the egg. The broken one that leads to chirping in the morning. A fluttering of wings heard nearby.  A splash of color in the sky. The whole egg? It can't boast of such magnificence. 

I used to think I wasn't broken. Came from a perfect family.  Perfect grades. Perfect behavior.  That was a lie.  Even Christ in His perfectness was broken.  You can't bring forth life without it. Christ followed those same rules. Broken to make us whole. Beaten to set us free. Scarred to grant us salvation. The magnitude is almost too much to comprehend. There is no way of getting around it.  Facing brokenness brings freedom and blessing. 

I learned a long time ago life without cracks is a farce.  These days I am more broken than whole, but I am not fretting...knowing that God will use it somehow to bring life.  He already has. He continues to. He will in the future. Someday the brokenness will take wings and fly.

Are you struggling with your own brokenness? One of the ways to have hope is to realize that no matter what happens to you God can bring blessings out of it. Your brokenness may bless yourself or another.

1 comment

  1. Hope and Healing {The Power of Brokenness}
    You are right we have to be broken to get into heaven. I'm not experienced with marriages and break-ups, however, Jesus and the ten commandments give us some very powerful guidelines to follow, doing so will bring us happiness. When Jesus died on the cross the veil in the temple was torn in two, access was made to the holy of holies, Jesus' body was broken on the cross, his soul went to heaven as he was resurrected! The little thrush's egg not hatching, no life, on a type of parallel with the seed germ needing to die first before the plant grows upwards through the soil, Jesus had to die first to be spiritually resurrected to heaven, giving us all life through our faith in him, that spiritual life he gives us where we just need to learn to say sorry and repent.
    Thanks for your posts, we do become healed by Jesus even when we get broken many times in our lifetime, Jesus always takes us back.
    from Stephen
    Stoke-on-Trent UK
