
Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Mornings with God

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My time with God in the morning is precious to me. I just don't feel right without it, and my days can be harder when I just get up and go without spending time with Him. Over the years, my time with Him has looked different. It really is fine to change up how you spend time with Him in order to keep yourself engaged. So here's a quick look at what I am currently doing and have been doing the past six months or so...

Each morning I wake up, I grab a cup of coffee and sit down read the verses of the day from Think on These Things. What is "Think on These Things"? It is a Scripture writing challenge or focus verses for the day. Each month I pick a different theme like forgiveness, peace, or joy to focus on. I then post them here on the blog. Maybe people write out these verses and then journal about them. I, however, find them in my journaling Bible, read them several times, and then journal about them. I also post a picture with my thoughts on the verses each morning on Instagram.

I then move on to the Scripture writing I am currently doing which is writing out the whole book of Psalms. You can read about it here.  I have reached the chapters in the hundreds so I am getting close to finishing. I am thinking that by the end of the summer I should be done. I tend to write out about ten verses, give or take. When I am finished with the Psalms, I will probably go back to writing out the "Think on These Things" verses...

After those are done, I spend some time recording gifts in my gratitude journal. I think back over the last 24 hours and write down the ways God has blessed me. Currently, I am up to more than 6,000 gifts recorded, but before you get all impressed...I have been doing this for years!! It takes a long time to get to the point I am at.

Finally, I spend some time in prayer. I use my prayer calendar in my bullet journal as a guide. (More on this coming next week.) I tend to pray for one significant person in my life each day along with various other current requests.

So that is what a typical morning looks like, but really your morning doesn't have to look like mine. Your morning doesn't even have to be morning if that doesn't work into your schedule. You want to find the time that works for you and the resources you find most helpful. Maybe it is a devotional or Bible study. Or maybe you would prefer to do Scripture writing. Whatever your method, the most important action to do is spend time with God.

Here are some resources I use:

Scripture writing: This can be done topically or "by the book". If you would like to do topics then you are welcome to use my "Think on These Things" verses each month. If you would like to go book by book then I would suggest using the schedules over at His Mercy is New. You can find them here.

Journaling Bible: I love having space in my Bible to write thoughts beside verses that jump out at me. If possible, you want a single-column Bible which allows more space...
Black Journaling Bible

Journals: Studio Oh! Deconstructed Journals are the best for Scripture writing. I love them, because I am left-handed. When I open these journals they lie flat, and I don't have to fight to get my hand in there to write! They are well-made with great quality paper.

Pencil Highlighters: These are my favorite! They don't bleed through the pages in my Bible.

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