
Monday, February 9, 2015

Let Hope In

This is the Year of Hope for me. It is the key concept that I am focusing on. After several years of hard emotional angst, I need to move forward in expectation. Recently I read Pete Wilson's book Let Hope in: 4 Choices That Will Change Your Life Forever. What an appropriate book for this season in my life! The book covers four choices that we need to make in order to have hope and healing {two things I have been desperately seeking in my life.}

The four choices?

Choosing to Transform instead of Transfer
Choosing to be OK with Not Being OK
Choosing to Trust rather than Please
Choosing to Free People rather than Hurt Them

Pete lays out some concepts that are very familiar to me as I have journeyed through healing...first and foremost that until we deal with our past openly and honestly our past will affect our present. Our greatest goal should be to transform our pain and give it purpose than to transfer it which means it normally lands in the lap of another person. Here's a look at a few quotes from the book:

God is bigger than your history and more concerned with your destiny.

If we want to heal, we need to be honest with God and ourselves.

A beautiful thing often happens when we confess to another person. It's called community.

God's will for you often boils down to doing the next best loving thing. an important discipline that helps bring healing to our past and hope for our future.

At the end of the book, Pete gives three prayers that you can pray to help with hope and healing based on John 15. If you are in need of a little hope and/or healing then I highly recommend Let Hope in: 4 Choices That Will Change Your Life Forever.

Here are some Verses of Hope and a series on Hope and Healing.

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