
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

When You are in God's Eye

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For he who touches you touches the apple of His eye. 
Zechariah 2:8

The apple of His eye...I have read it over and over again  in God's Word, but never stopped to consider it's meaning until just last week when it hit me how strange the phrase is. What is the apple of the eye? Where did this idea come from? I understand it means a person that is cherished by why an apple?

After a little bit of poking around the web I found that the "apple" was traditionally the pupil of the eye. The word "pupil" comes from the Latin word "pupilla" which means "little doll". It was given the name because the pupil is a black mirror in which you can see your reflection in the eyes of another if you are standing in front of them. {See this photo in this post.} In Hebrew, "apple of His eye" means "little man of my eye".

So we are in God's eye. He watches over us. He keeps His eye on us. He loves us so much that we are those little people in His eye. What a beautiful picture of how God sees He loves. So many times we may think that we are invisible to Him. He doesn't see what we are going through. He somehow missed our agony. An oversight on His part. Not so. He is El Roi, the God who see us and knows our lives, hearts, and pain. We are cherished. We are His beloved. We are in His eyes.

Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his steadfast love.
Psalm 33:18

So are you struggling today and wondering if He really sees what's going on? Is He there? And does He care about the pain you are going through? Remember, that you are in His eye. You are precious and loved.

I am linking up at...
Beloved Brews Linkup


  1. There was a time when I was suffering emotionally and physically, and didn't think God cared. But, how He does! He has opened up my eyes to see and feel His love every day! And He answered my prayer to be able to write music which praises Him. This song is more of a novelty song, called "Apple of His Eye" which I'd love to share. May God bless you with it!

  2. Hi Debbie. Thank you for this encouraging reminder of how precious we are to God. It ties in very well with words I've been reading recently by Joyce Meyer in her book 'Tell Them I Love Them'. Blessings :)
