
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Top Ten Posts of 2013

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It has been quite the year for me.  Because of personal circumstances, I have been able {at least in the second half of this year} to spend more time writing.  I thought it would be fun to take a quick look back on the most popular posts at The Architect and the Artist of 2013.

1. By far the post with the most views was All That Glitters are God's Gifts. Ann Voskamp came out with a Christmas/Advent book this past September entitled, The Greatest Gift: Unwrapping the Full Love Story of Christmas. In the book she has 25 Advent readings and a link to download ornaments to hang on your tree for each reading.  My post was part life story and part tutorial on how to dress up the ornaments with glitter. It is incredible how many people have looked at this post!  But it may have something to do with Ann commenting about it on Facebook. It sure does help when the actual author of the book takes notice!!

UPDATE:  A friend of mine just told me that Ann featured my post on her blog last weekend! 
Such excitement!!! I am still shocked that she took notice of my post!!!

2. Casseroles for the Freezer from 31 Days of Freezer Meals was another popular post.  I have been doing freezer meals for a lot of years and decided in October to write about what works and what doesn't. There were actually several posts that were popular from that series.

3. Top Ten Freezer Meals

4. Freezer Smoothies

5. Packaging Food for the Freezer

6. Another extremely popular post was from my series called Wilderness Wanderings. The Holes That Make Us Whole speaks to how God uses those circumstances in our lives that are less than perfect to make us more whole.  One of the greatest puzzles of life is that it is in the wounds that we can find healing.

7. The post, Bible Studies for Women, was a post reviewing several of the Bible studies I have done over the years.  If you are looking for a new study check out this post.

8. Christmas Posts @ The Architect and the Artist has been another favorite over the past month.  This post lists several of my Christmas related posts from the blog over the years...Christ in Christmas, baking and crafting ideas.

9. Another extremely popular post was for Spanish teachers called Teaching Spanish Literature.  I do have several posts on this blog about teaching Spanish, but recently I started another blog to post all my Spanish ideas called Debbie's Spanish Learning.  For those that don't know, I am a certified Spanish teacher and give private and small group lessons in my home.

10. And one more post...this one on homeschooling.  Teaching British Literature is an overview of what I am doing with my oldest son who is a junior this year.

It has been an amazing year!  It is my hope and prayer that you find something here that is helpful to you or an encouragement to you!  Can't wait for 2014!

Linking up at...Amongst Lovely Things

1 comment

  1. How exciting to be noticed and linked to by Ann. :)

    I'm happy to have discovered your blog. I really like the design – it's very pretty. Thanks for linking up!
