
Monday, December 16, 2013

Thankful for the BIG and the Little

Being thankful for all that passes through our lives...the big events and the little ones as well makes all the difference.  I am learning that the little things fit into the bigger picture. When we are thankful for even the smallest of gifts our gratitude becomes greater and our grace grows. Here is my continuing list of all gifts great and small...


-The end of a semester
-Baked goods from students
-Movie nights with the family
-A groomed puppy
-Reading Jane Austen
-Learning once again that when others are ugly to us it is their problem
-Compassion for those that struggle
-Breakfast out
-Gluten-free muffin from a great coffee shop
-Decisions (Deciding on my Word of the Year for 2014)
-A cozy home
-Financial blessings
-A three week break coming up
-A break for Tim
-Grace in an older lady at church
-Her humor about the Bible
-Reading The Greatest Gift all over again with my boys and being so blessed by it...trying to hold back the tears.

-Ann Voskamp featuring one of my posts on her blog, Holy Experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I posted in November about  her ornaments that are available with her newest book I had no idea that she would put it on her blog.

-The excitement of seeing Jesus in Christmas
-That God is our lifeline
-That we can never be undone no matter what people intend for us
-Grace shown to me by someone I never expected it from
-Words of encouragement from friends
-Community...although it may hurt at times it can bring healing

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