
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

When God Sings {Verses of Hope}

I have always wondered about how God sings. What does He sound like? What songs does He like? When does He sing? What does He sing about? However, I have never had to wonder where He sings. He sings over us.

The Creator of the universe sees us and sings! Why do we ever doubt we are loved? Why do we worry that God will not come through for us? How can we question the One that quiets us with His love and rejoices over us by singing? It boggles my mind that God would rejoice in me. That He would sing over me. Like a mother who sings to her child, God proclaims His love for us in the form of a song.

I still ponder what He sings as He stands over us. I still wonder what His voice sounds like. I still don't have the slightest idea of the type of the songs He loves to belt out. Yet, I am confident of this...He sings over me with delight and joy.

How could I ever doubt His love???

Life can be hard, but God has given us glimmers of hope in His Word. To read more "Verses of Hope", click here. 

1 comment

  1. Thanks for posting this joyful reminder, Debbie! This has actually always been a favey verse--ever since my mom put it on a pillowcase she made for me when I was ten.
