
Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Things That Are Not {Verses of Hope}

If I could write my story I would write it differently. I would make myself what I am not. I would be brave, outspoken, and trusting. I would not be the woman who wrings her hands with worry and try to defeat depression on a regular basis. I would not be the one who others have rejected, abused, or scorned. I would be the victor. I would write a fairy tale ending to my life and then live happily ever after.

My vision is warped. What I see, what I feel, and I think about my life is not how God sees me or my existence. When I see the anxiety-prone female staring me back in the mirror God see a person with more opportunities to trust her Savior. When I hate the depressed feelings that pull me down God envisions using His Word to pull me out. When I look at the rejection or abuse I suffered and feel I will never heal, God sees the healing I can't even detect.

God calls things that are not as though they were. We may see ourselves, our life situations, or others in one light, but His light is always shining brighter. He sees what we cannot. Let's put our hope in the One that perceives the hope in our stories long before we can. In the end there may be more "fairy tale" to our story than we ever imagined.

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