
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Grief God Sees {Verses of Hope}

There are times when I wonder if He even saw. Did He notice the pain being inflicted? Did He watch it go down before His eyes? And if He did, why didn't He do anything about it? It is in those times that I need to hear that He does see, He does ponder it, and then He takes it in hand.

God not only sees the grief we bear He takes it in hand. What does that mean? If you go back to other translations you come up with these ideas...

to requite it {avenge it}
to punish
to take the matter into your hands
to place under your control
to repay it

No matter the trouble or grief, God takes control of it. Our sorrows never go unnoticed. Even better, He does something about it. Yes, it happened. Yes, it hurt.  Yes, He was there. And yes, He is called to action by the sight of your pain. Because not only is He the God that see the hurt, He is the God who holds the hurt in His hands.

Are you grieving? Do you feel that somehow God missed your pain? That He doesn't see nor care? Put you hope in His hands. You can always run to Him in the hurt.

Need more verses to give you hope? Stop by and read more at "Verses of Hope".

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