
Friday, October 24, 2014

Being Held Together {Verses of Hope}

Ever felt like you were having a hard time holding yourself together? Your life is falling apart and you are right there with it? I am an expert when it comes to not holding it together. A few years back I came across Colossians 1:17, and it gave me such peace! I don't need to hold myself, my circumstances, or my world together. He does that.

Life is not perfect when we keep it all together. In fact, it is in the falling apart that we learn more about who God is and to what lengths He can carry us. My relationship with Him has grown by leaps and bounds over the past few years simply because life fell apart. The irony is that while life was falling apart He was slowly making me whole. Knitting me into someone new...tying up my loose ends to create beauty in my life.

Do you feel like your life is falling apart? Are you afraid you will never be able to collect all the pieces to put it back together? Do you think you will always be a scattered mess? He holds all things together and that includes you. Hand over to Him the pieces.  He will know what to do with them.

This post is a part of the series, "Verses of Hope" born out of my need to find hope in the hardness of life. To see all the posts, click here.


  1. This is a great series, Debbie! I think this one might be my favorite so far. :)
