
Friday, October 24, 2014

Jesus, Light of the World {Advent Resource}

Christmas can be a crazy time of the year! A season when we should focus on Christ and His coming can leave us drained and discouraged. All the lights and decorations can blind us to the real Light of the World. This Advent it is my goal to really focus on Him instead of the distractions of the season. This year I will be using a new resource that I am really excited about!


Have you ever prayed God's Word back to Him? When we don't have the words He has already provided them in Scripture.  Candace, over at His Mercy is New, has a plethora of resources on her blog about praying the Scriptures. This Christmas she has a new e-book out on praying the Scriptures through Advent.

The focus for each of the passages that Candace has selected are on light and how Jesus is our light. As I read through the verses she chose I was amazed at how much there really is in God's Word about the subject and how we can apply it to our lives. I love that she picked the conversion story of Saul/Paul to talk about how powerful God's light is in our lives. He has the power to change us like he did Saul. He has the power to work in our circumstances. Advent is about change. Christ's coming changed everything and made it possible for us to change. It is the hope we celebrate this season.

Each day (there are 31 total) you get a passage of Scripture to read, a short devotional, a prayer and a place to write your own prayer using the Scriptures you just read.  I love how Candace has laid it all out.  It can be as simple as reading through and then praying, and yet she also has extras at the beginning of the book. You get links to two Pinterest boards to help you with crafts, educational activities, and home decor related to the study.  There are also two gorgeous printables beautiful enough to frame. Candace also gives a list of ways to expand the study and go deeper.

This e-book would work great as a personal devotional, but it can also be used with kids or with the whole family. If you are looking for a way to focus on Christ this season I would highly recommend Candace's book.

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