
Thursday, October 23, 2014

When What Happens is Deliverance {Verses of Hope}

The past can be a scary monster. The one always lurking in the closet of our lives. We would rather avoid than meet him face to face. Our pasts can be filled with hurt, our sin, our mistakes, or our losses. No amount of closing the closet will shut out this monster because we carry it with us. So what do you do with a past less than perfect? How can you have hope when you can't get pass your past?

Your past has the potential to be your ticket out of the closet that holds it. Paul so eloquently wrote long ago that what had happened to him would be his deliverance. I can now say that this verse has so much meaning for me because what has happened to me has actually delivered me. The scary awful pain has brought me to a place of peace. God has delivered me in little ways along the way. He has built up boundaries in my life that I so desperately needed and torn down idols that were impeding a relationship with Him. My fear of man was demolished because of what "man" did to me and the hurt that followed. If I could survive the abuse then there would be nothing to fear in the future.

Such a verse of hope...look back into that closet that houses the scary monster of your past. Has God used it? Has good come out of it? Be looking for the creative ways God takes the pain and brings peace and when He takes the hurt and brings healing. If you are in the midst of the pain and can't see past it hold on to the hope that deliverance will come at some point.  You may be surprised to find that what you thought would only damage you has now delivered you. 

This post is from the series, Verses of Hope. Check out the link for more ways to hold on to hope.

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