
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Some of Our Best Homeschool Memories

Here are some great memories we have created along the way as we have schooled the boys...

We have learned that if the first way to learn a skill doesn't work then find another method!  Lattic multiplication was a life saver for my boys when they didn't understand the traditional way to multiply. Another great tool that we have used is a multiplication clock.

I have started the journey of preparing for high school...this time for my oldest.  Here is how I have gone about it.

We now know how to start the school year off right...with cupcakes! And more cupcakes!

We have had the opportunity to dissect squid....ewwww and fun!

We have done some fun leaning with the one about Malawi.

One of our favorite units was a mystery unit.We read books and did a mystery meal.

Homeschooling has been filled with such wonderful memories!  I only have four more years with my the time is running out!  I feel kind of sad about the whole passing of time, but we still have a few more years to create more memories.

What have been some of your favorite homeschool activities or memories?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I loe reading your memories... some of my favorite homeschool memories so far are all the activities that go along with our Five in a Row books - the dinners, parties, and fun things we do with these books is wonderful.

    Have a great week!

