
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pumpkin Lover

As many of you know, I am a lover of all things pumpkin! Sweat Pea, over at Newlyweds, is doing a link up for pumpkin posts.  Well, I can't pass up that now can I?  So here are some posts over the past few years that I have done on pumpkins.

Pumpkin Recipes-muffins, cookies, chili, and fudge!
Pumpkin Butterhorns
My first attempt at growing pumpkins!

Go check out more pumpkin posts!

1 comment

  1. How awesome are you!!! I love your homegrown pumpkins, I have tried many times much to my chagrin and have never successfully grown a pumpkin.
    Off to check out your recipes. Thanks so much for joining the Pumpkin Link-up.
