As a teen I had read
Hinds' Feet On High Places
. At the time I was a fairly young Christian and enjoyed the story. Now over twenty years later I decided to reread it based on the glowing recommendation of a friend of mine. I wasn't disappointed the second time around. In fact, the story was even richer when I read it. I have gone through some tough times lately in life, and so I readily identify with Much-Afraid, the main character in the book. Like Pilgrim's Progress,
Hinds' Feet on High Places, is an allegory of the Christian life. Through the story you can see how Much-Afraid becomes more and more like Christ. Two of the concepts that I really latched on to were the two flowers that Much-Afraid sees in the story, Acceptance-with-Joy and Bearing-the-Cost.
This past year God has impressed upon me that I need to accept those situations that come into my life with joy even if they cause pain. It is one of the reason I do
Multitude Mondays each week counting my gifts from God. Gratitude makes joy even in the pain. The flower Bearing-the-Cost speaks of
forgiveness...being the "fall guy" for someone else's sin. Over the past few years God has worked me through the hard chore of forgiving those that have wronged me...bearing the cost and letting go of the pain.
Hinds' Feet is well worth the read!
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