
Friday, April 13, 2018

Heroes of the Bible {Think On These Things}

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What makes a hero? Is it his or her ability to face fearful situations without fear? Is it the saving of lives? Does a hero always know what to do? Last year we took a look at some of the famous women of the Bible and what they did to deserve recognition. In the month of May, we will look at just a few of the men of the Bible that turned out to be heroes. Their backgrounds are varied... a boat-builder, a giant-killer, a dare-maker, a persecutor-turned-preacher, and so many more. Their heroism will surprise us. What makes a hero? Maybe it is their simple and quiet obedience and focus on the God that loves them.

You can download the file here!

If you would like all the Think on These Things verses or want to know more about it, click here. To read about the benefits of Scripture writing, see this post.

During the month I try to post my thoughts on the verses on Instagram. If you would like to follow me you can find me here. Also, if you are posting your own thoughts there please use the hashtag #thinkonthesethings. I would love to read how God speaks to you!!

There are many ways you can use these verses. You can read and meditate on them. You can write them out as you meditate on them. You can read them and then write about them in a journal or journaling Bible. You could do verse mapping with them (See this post). Here are some of the items I use...

A single column journaling Bible allows you to make notes in the margins.

ESV Single Column Journaling Bible (TruTone, Chestnut, Leaves Design)
ESV Single Column Journaling Bible (Black)
ESV Single Column Journaling Bible (Brown, Flap with Strap)

Some highlighters {These are my absolute favorites!}...

Eco Highlighter Pencils - Set of 5 Colors

Black pens are great for writing out the verses...

Black Ink Pen Set
Black Artist Pen Set

I love these journals that lay flat...easier to write in! They are great for Scripture writing!
Studio Oh! Deconstructed Journals

Let's Think On These Things!


  1. Hi Debbie, I am new to your blog. Found you through Pinterest as I was searching Scripture writing ideas. I started Scripture writing last November, and I always enjoy discovering other sites devoted to that pleasure.

    I am a former homeschool mom---from 1st and 3rd grades all the way through high school. Sadly, those days are over for me now, as both my kids have graduated from high school. (We homeschool moms work ourselves out of our jobs!)

    I look forward to future visits to your blog.

    Patti @ Joy in the Middle

  2. Patti- Nice to "meet" you! :-)
