
Monday, September 7, 2015

What's On My Bookshelf...

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I have spent a few sunny afternoons in the past few weeks with some blueberry green tea {This one is my favorite.} reading some great Christian books and enjoying the beautiful fall colors in the yard. Here's a quick look at what I have been reading...

Simply Tuesday: Small-Moment Living in a Fast-Moving World-I LOVED this book by Emily P. Freeman! In it she talks about how the small moments of life are really what life are all about. "Small is an invitation to participate in something greater than ourselves," writes Emily. We don't need to do big things for God we just need to be faithful in the little things. The word "ordinary" comes from the word "to count" {think "ordinal numbers"}, and it is in the ordinary things of life that we make our lives count. I loved her philosophy in this book. It gave me a sense of peace that I don't need to make everything a big production. Life is in the small things.

Wounded Women of the Bible: Finding Hope When Life Hurts-We all walk wounded. You simply can't live life and remain scar-free. Using various women of the Bible from the well-known like Sarai and Hagar to the unknown like Ichabod's mother {I needed a refresher on who she was!}, the authors show how we are all wounded and that we can become overcomers.  Several issues that affect women are discussed like betrayal, disappointment with God, childlessness, divorce, abuse, and grief are dealt with. I loved the message of hope within the pages of this book!

Radical Hospitality: Benedict's Way of Love-I am reading this book for a book club I will be participating in during October. While I am not Catholic and know very little about the denomination, I have read the first two chapters of this book and am loving what it is saying about hospitality. It isn't just about opening up our homes to others, but rather opening our hearts. If you are interested in being a part of this book club you can check out the details here.

So what have you been reading lately? Any great books you could recommend?

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