
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

31 Days of Hope and Healing {Upcoming Series}

I told myself, "Whatever it takes." I was not going to allow the pain that happened to me destroy me. I was going to rise above. I was willing to do the hard work to heal. The only problem? Healing is not a step-by-step process. It is more of walking through a corn know you are going somewhere, but you never sure when you will get to the end and find your way out. I have come to the realization that no one this side of heaven is completely whole and healed. There are just degrees of healing...steps closer to getting healthy. There will always be triggers that throw our minds back to the memories of trauma, but each time it gets easier to handle. Healing is the process of getting stronger.

For me, my "trauma" has all been relational. Some of it was abuse. Other times it was a perfect storm of condemnation. Painful breaks in relationships. Grief over the loss of community. My "whatever it takes" goal to healing would travel down the long road towards forgiveness. Letting go of the pain so that I could move on.

So how about you? Are you in need of emotional healing? Relational healing? Is there someone you need to forgive? Join me in October as we walk this road together. I will be writing thirty-one posts on hope and healing. You will be able to read about...

-The Power of Brokenness
-Using a Journaling Bible to Heal
-The Healing Power of Gratitude
-The Benefits of Walking Wounded

...and so much more. Will you join me? As I write and post I will be praying {even though I don't know your names or your situations} that God will help you heal. After all, His is Jehovah-Rapha...the One who heals you.


  1. I'm very excited about the prospect of journeying with you through this series, of writing about similar themes at the same time. God is so kind and I'm thankful for the sense of solidarity with you that I feel this morning as I read your words and hear the echo of the same heart, the same gracious God.

  2. Yes, Harmony! I read about your series and am looking forward to it. My landing page will go up on Oct. 1 with all the titles to my posts. I will try to leave a link for it on that thread on Facebook.
