
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Know You are Loved

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Like little children, we need reassurance. When life beats us down or when we fail miserably, we tend to doubt that we are loved. We begin to wonder if God really cares. If the heartache is great enough we may have to fight our way back to believing He loves us. If you have been around The Architect and the Artist lately you know I have struggled with whether I am loved. I have worked long and hard to find His love, to seek out the evidence of how He cares for me. So since it has been a reoccurring theme over the past few months I thought I would put all the posts about His love for us in one place...

Journaling God's love...every time I find a verse about how He loves me I highlight it and journal about it. You can use any Bible for this activity. I love these highlighter pencils and pens to record what I find in His Word about how He cares for me.

Verses on how God is always on our side... A big thank you to Candace of His Mercy is New for providing a free printable of the verses!

Ever felt like an outcast? Here are Psalms that tell a different story.

A great Bible study to do!

You are the apple of His eye!

Dealing with will never be rejected by God.

He LONGS to be gracious to you.

How about ten ways He loves you?

Maybe if you are struggling with your story it is time to rewrite it by writing your own Psalm 136.

When you get unfriended, then it is time to find a new Friend.

And finally, two great books if you are in need of "heart healing".

I pray you find His love everywhere you turn. May He show you how truly precious you are!

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