
Friday, January 9, 2015

Writing in the Margins

I love to write. I learned early on in life that I learn by putting ideas to paper. Highlighters are my friends. Pens and journal pages are my counselors. In the writing, I learn deep life lessons. For a long time I have wanted a Bible I could really write in. My thoughts. Connections. Quotes that correlate with Scripture. I wanted a Bible and journal all in one.

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I love this journaling Bible. There is space enough to write in the margins. The Bible you see here will eventually become a gift to someone {You can read about it here.}, but these Bibles are also great for personal use. The margins become where you can connect with God's Word. 

I recently read Writing in the Margins: Connecting with God on the Pages of Your Bible, and I can't recommend this book enough if you are wanting to make notes or journal in your Bible. Lisa Nichols Hickman does a beautiful job of describing the importance of "margins" in our lives and how our spiritual walk with God can change if we make notes or write ideas in the pages of our Bibles. 

"Holy things happen when we inhabit these margins."
{Lisa Nichols Hickman}

We begin to connect with God's Word in a real way. We slow down; we ponder Him. We can pray to Him in the margins. We can write an event in our lives and date it so that we can come back later and see how God has worked in our lives. The margins make up our lives and the journey we take with Him.

"I contend, quite bluntly, that marking up a book is not an act of mutilation but of love."
{Mortimer Adler}

I understand for some that writing in a Bible might seem a tad disrespectful. I get it. I don't necessarily agree. A book written in where the reader has connected with the words is more precious in my opinion. I have a friend who a year ago returned one of my books to me and apologized for her notes and scribbles in the margins. She was sorry for "destroying" my book. Honestly, I thought it was more precious that way. I got to see her in the pages and took deeper notice of what she underlined. I feel you don't lessen God's Word by making notes or journaling around it...

"Margins would not exist without content. A margin is formed around something that  matters."
{Lisa Nichols Hickman}

One of the best parts of this book is how Lisa talks about other people's Bibles and what they wrote in them. She mentions Bach and even Elvis and what they wrote in the margins of their Bibles! She also has testimonials from several people on how writing in the margins changed their walk with God.

So if you are thinking of connecting more with God's Word or thinking of purchasing a journaling Bible, I would highly recommend that you take some time to read Writing in the Margins. And if you are not sure how to get started Lisa provides several simple writing exercises to get you started on writing in the blank spaces. So go ahead...write in those margins!

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